
Georg Friedrich Haas: Neue Oper Sycorax

Georg Friedrich Haas' neueste Oper Sycorax erfuhr ihre Uraufführungen an den Bühnen Bern. Mollena Williams-Haas, bekannte Aktivistin of Color, verkörperte die für sie geschriebene Titelfigur auf der Bühne.

Battistelli: reviews from the Venice Biennale 2022

The 66th International Festival of Contemporary Music concluded on September 25 in Venice. Here are a few excerpts from international press accounts of the reception of Battistelli's works chosen to represent this year’s theme, Out of Stage.


Die neue ricordilab-Generation

Hannah Kendall, Alex Paxton und Diana Syrse haben die dritte Ausgabe des internationalen Kompositionswettbewerbs ricordilab gewonnen.

Julia Wolfe: Her Story World Premiere

Julia Wolfe's Her Story, a 40-minute theatrical work for orchestra and women’s chamber choir and orchestra, receives its world premiere on September 15, 2022 with the Nashville Symphony, Giancarlo Guerrero, and Lorelei Ensemble, with stage direction by Anne Kauffman, lighting and scenic design by Jeff Sugg, costumes by Marion Talan de la Rosa, and sound design by Andrew Cotton. 

Huang Ruo & David Henry Hwang: M. Butterfly

Santa Fe Opera's 2022 Season featured the world premiere of their newly commissioned opera M. Butterfly by composer Huang Ruo and librettist David Henry Hwang, based on the Broadway hit and Tony Award-winning play originally written by the librettist himself. James Robinson's production--under the baton of Carolyn Kuan, featuring opera stars Kangmin Justin Kim and Mark Stone--was lauded by audiences and critics alike. 

Ruhrtriennale mit Nemtsov, Grisey, Scelsi und Xenakis

2022 standen diverse Werke aus unserer Verlagsgruppe im Mittelpunkt: In der Eröffnungspremiere „Ich geh unter lauter Schatten“ wurden Werke u. a. von Grisey, Scelsi und Xenakis szenisch interpretiert; Sarah Nemtsovs Instrumentalzyklus HAUS erfährt seine szenische Uraufführung.

Giacomo Manzoni's 90th birthday

Giacomo Manzoni turns 90. Born in Milan on 26 September 1932, composer as well as music critic, translator, writer and teacher, we celebrate him with a selection of works from his Ricordi catalogue.