Co-published by Casa Ricordi and Accademia di Santa Cecilia (Rome)
Founded by:
Luciano Berio
General Editor:
Marco Uvietta
This series is based upon the idea of a musical twentieth century as a century of multiplicity. A multiplicity that is intended to be offered to the reader in the form of a variety of proposals. As the title suggests, the series is divided into three main directions: the study of individual works or groups of works (including the authors), the edition of documents (letters, writings, analysis), the identification of musical orientations (currents, trends, but also new study perspectives and interpretations, with an eye also to the ethnomusicological, anthropological and sociological approach). The logo 19«»21 is a metaphor for an open notion of twentieth century music: the last century, far from being reduced to a chronological notion, is what is placed ‘fluidly’ between the nineteenth and the now advanced twenty-first centuries.
The twentieth century – that is, what should be in quotation marks in the logo – is defined in its relationship with the past – now in conflict, now in continuity – and in its hopes for the future. The postmodern experience of the last decades of the century leads us to reject the notion of the twentieth century as the history of the avant-gardes, which would inevitably presuppose the idea of a «short century», paraphrasing the title of the well-known book by Eric Hobsbawm; indeed very short, which began around 1910 and would end in the seventies. Instead, this series intends to hypothesize the idea of a ‘very long century’, perhaps the longest in the history of music due to the quantity, heterogeneity and richness of consequences of the events it witnessed.
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List of published books
1. Richard Taruskin, ‘Le sacre du Printemps’. Le tradizioni russe, la sintesi di Stravinsky
Edited by Daniele Torelli and Marco Uvietta (2002)
2. Stefano Parise, Giorgio Ghedini. L'uomo, le opere attraverso le lettere (2003)
3. Béatrice Ramaut-Chevassus, Musica e postmodernità
Edited by Marco Mazzolini (2003)
4. Claudia Polo, Immaginari verdiani. Opera, media e industria culturale nell'Italia del XX secolo (2004)
5. Luigi Dallapiccola – Massimo Mila, Tempus aedificandi. Carteggio 1933-1975
Edited by Livio Aragona (2005)
6. Alessandro Macchia, Tombeaux. Epicedi per le grandi guerre (2005)
7. William Ashbrook – Harold Powers, ‘Turandot’ di Giacomo Puccini. La fine della grande tradizione
Edited by Gabriele Dotto (2006)
8. Carl Dahlhaus, «In altri termini». Saggi sulla musica
Edited by Alberto Fassone (2009)
9. Gianfranco Vinay, Immagini Gesti Parole Suoni Silenzi. Drammaturgia delle opere vocali e teatrali di Salvatore Sciarrino (2010)