Giovanni Battista Pergolesi – Critical Editions

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National Edition of the Works of Giovanni Battista Pergolesi
Published by Casa Ricordi in collaboration with Fondazione Pergolesi-Spontini (Jesi) and Centro Studi Pergolesi (University of Milan)
General editor:
Claudio Toscani

The extraordinary notoriety that Giovanni Battista Pergolesi enjoyed after his death rendered immortal the historical figure of the musician from Jesi but at the same time it had the effect of grossly distorting the body of his work. In fact, from as early as the 18th century the success of Pergolesi’s music in Europe generated such a huge demand for his compositions that unscrupulous copyists and publishers were able to satisfy it only by attaching his name to the music of other composers. In this way the number of works by Pergolesi multiplied in a wholly artificial manner.

It has only been in relatively recent times that researchers have made the decisive advances necessary to liberate the Pergolesi corpus from the cluttering presence of false attributions. Starting from the 1950s studies carried out on the sources have made it possible to identify with precision Pergolesi’s hand-writing and modus operandi and in this way to establish the overall number of compositions that can be attributed with certainty to the Jesi musician. In 1986 the publishing companies Pendragon and Ricordi set in train the joint publication of a new edition of the works of Pergolesi (The Complete Works), but after the release of the first four volumes between 1986 and 1994 the work came to a halt.

The idea of taking up this work again and bringing it to completion, founding it on new bases and adhering to criteria of academic rigor and practical utility, arose out of discussions within the Pergolesi Committee of the Fondazione Pergolesi-Spontini (Jesi). In view of the 300th anniversary of the birth of the composer the foundation took the decision to give concrete form to a project that had been tenaciously cultivated and already solidly conceived by Francesco Degrada. The initiative has revealed itself to be a natural outlet for the work of a range of scholars who in more recent years have prepared for the Foundation and Casa Ricordi a number of critically revised performance scores for use in the Pergolesi Festival.

The National Edition of the Works of Giovanni Battista Pergolesi was instituted by the Ministry for the Cultural Heritage and Cultural Initiatives following upon a proposal by the Fondazione Pergolesi-Spontini. The National Edition has availed itself of the collaboration of the Centro Studi Pergolesi – established in 2008 as an interdepartmental research center at the University of Milan – for archive material and research support.

Works available for Hire

The following list contains all the works currently available for hire. These works can be ordered from our partner Zinfonia. Upcoming titles are reported in the ‘In preparation’ section. For more information please contact Full scores or vocal scores also published for sale are listed in the next tab.

Stage Music

Il Flaminio (1735)
Edited by Ivano Bettin (2019)

Lo frate ’nnamorato (1732)
Edited by Eleonora Di Cintio (2023)

Il prigionier superbo (1733)
Edited by Claudio Toscani (2017)

La fenice sul rogo, ovvero La morte di S. Giuseppe (1731)
Edited by Alessandro Monga e Davide Verga (2013)

Other works

Messa in Re (1731?)
Edited by Claudio Bacciagaluppi (2015)

Dignas laudes resonemus
Edited by Claudio Bacciagaluppi, Antonio Moccia (2018)

Stabat Mater (1735)
Edited by Claudio Toscani (2012)

In preparation

Stage Music

La Salustia (1732)
Edited by Dale Monson (2025)

Works for Sales

The following list contains all the works currently on sales and available also on subscription. Worldwide subscriptions and distribution are handled by our partner Hal Leonard Europe: for any inquiries or to subscribe to one of our critical edition series, please contact

Full score with critical commentary included:
hardbound volumes, 20 x 27 cm (Historical Introduction and critical commentary in Italian and English)
Piano vocal score:
paper bound, 20 x 27 cm (Historical Introduction and critical commentary in Italian and English)

Stage Music

Il Flaminio (1735)
Edited by Ivano Bettin (2019)

Lo frate ’nnamorato (1732)
Edited by Eleonora Di Cintio (2023)

Il prigionier superbo (1733)
Edited by Claudio Toscani (2017)

La fenice sul rogo, ovvero La morte di S. Giuseppe (1731)
Edited by Alessandro Monga and Davide Verga (2013)

Other works

Messa in Re (1731?)
Edited by Claudio Bacciagaluppi (2015)

Stabat Mater (1735)
Edited by Claudio Toscani (2012)

In preparation

Stage Music

La Salustia (1732)
Edited by Dale Monson (2025)

Remaining Editorial Plan

Stage Music

Adriano in Siria (1734)
L'olimpiade (1735)

Li prodigi della divina grazia nella conversione e morte di San Guglielmo Duca d'Aquitania (1731)

La contadina astuta / Livietta e Tracollo (1734)
La serva padrona (1733)

Other works

Chi non ode e chi non vede
Dalla città vicino
Dalsigre, ahi mia Dalsigre
Luce degli occhi miei
Nel chiuso centro
Questo è il piano, questo è il rio (1731)

Messa in Fa (“Missa S. Emidio”) (1732?)

Concerto in Sib for violin, strings, bc
Two organ sonatas
Sinfonia (Sonata) in Fa for cello and bc


Confitebor tibi, Domine
Deus in adjutorium (Domine ad adjuvandum me)
Dignas laudes resonemus
Dixit Dominus
In coelestibus regnis
Laudate pueri Dominum
Salve Regina in Do minor
Salve Regina in La minor