The corpus of Vivaldi cantatas that has come down to us comprises – to the best of our knowledge – 36 authenticated works: 22 cantatas for soprano and continuo, 5 cantatas for contralto and continuo, 5 cantatas for soprano, instruments and continuo, and 4 cantatas for contralto, instruments and continuo. As far as the sources are concerned, most of the cantatas have come down either in autograph versions or in manuscripts copied by scribes known from elsewhere to be trusted assistants of the composer (especially noteworthy is the presence of «Scribe 4», probably to be identified with Vivaldi’s father Giovanni Battista). It is significant that nearly all the manuscripts are preserved in the two locations richest in Vivaldian musical sources: the Biblioteca Nazionale in Turin (where the composer’s personal collection survives) and the Sächsische Landesbibliothek in Dresden.
As regards chronology, there is a lack of fixed points of reference that would allow one to date the composition of each individual work securely (this is normal for the cantata repertory, transmitted almost entirely in undated manuscripts). Paul Everett’s studies on the paper and rastrography of Vivaldian manuscripts constitute the only objective method so far found by which a dating of the corpus of Vivaldi’s cantatas may be attempted. Even though the number of cantatas by Vivaldi corresponds quite well to the norm for a period in which the genre went into a progressive decline, it is very probable that only a proportion of his cantatas have survived. The series was completed in 2002.
Critical Editions available
Cantate vol. I (collection, 1997)
Edited by Francesco Degrada
Allor che lo sguardo, RV 650 (1984)
All’ombra d’un bel faggio, RV 649 (1984)
Amor, hai vinto, RV 651 (1988)
Aure, voi più non siete, RV 652 (1990)
Del suo natio rigore, RV 653 (1994)
Elvira, anima mia, RV 654 (1989)
Era la notte quando i suoi splendori, RV 655 (1993)
Fonti del pianto, RV 656 (1984)
Geme l’onda che parte dal fonte, RV 657 (1991)
Il povero mio cor, RV 658 (1991)
Indarno cerca la tortorella, RV 659 (1994)
La farfalletta s’aggira al lume, RV 660 (1984)
Nel partir da te, mio caro, RV 661 (1992)
Par che tardo oltre il costume, RV 662 (1993)
Scherza di fronda in fronda, RV 663 (1995)
Cantate vol. II (collection, 1997)
Edited by Francesco Degrada and Karl Heller
All’ombra di sospetto, RV 678 (1993)
Che giova il sospirar, povero core, RV 679 (1995)
Lungi dal vago volto, RV 680 (1990)
Perché son molli, RV 681 (1995)
Se ben vivono senz’alma, RV 664 (1985)
Si levi dal pensier, RV 665 (1995)
Sì, sì, luci adorate, RV 666 (1993)
Sorge vermiglia in ciel la bella Aurora, RV 667 (1992)
Tra l’erbe i zeffiri, RV 669 (1993)
T’intendo sì mio cor, RV 668 (1985)
Usignoletto bello, RV 796 (1995)
Vengo a voi, luci adorate, RV 682 (1992)
Cantate vol. III (collection, 1997)
Edited by Francesco Degrada
Alla caccia dell’alme e de’ cori, RV 670 (1985)
Amor, hai vinto, RV 683 (1987)
Care selve, amici prati, RV 671 (1988)
Cessate, ormai cessate, RV 684 (1987)
O mie porpore più belle, RV 685 (1988)
Perfidissimo cor! Iniquo fato! RV 674 (1992)
Pianti, sospiri e dimandar mercede, RV 676 (1992)
Qual in pioggia dorata i dolci rai, RV 686 (1990)
Qual per ignoto calle, RV 677 (1993)
Tremori al braccio e lagrime sul ciglio, RV 799
Edited by Francesco Degrada (2002)